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Spring a Ding Ding

Spring is in the air and the daffodils are popping up. This is the time of year I prefer to make my resolutions instead of in gloomy January.  I am starting to feel revitalized with all the new growth around me so what better time to make a few resolutions?

A few of my spring resolutions are:  take a sewing class again, dress a bit more adventurously and stick my budget (that one is a given).  I love the longer days which makes taking an evening class a lot less painful, so sewing it is.  I am in dire need of some new dresses but don’t like much that is in the shops so I am challenging myself to make two new dresses before I go to New York in June.

As for dressing a bit more adventurously – unfortunately the weather has not really warmed up enough to say goodbye to closed shoes and scarves but I am still working that spring feeling.

There are several ways to update your look without having to spend a lot.  I have made a handy list of ways to look and feel more spring like.

1. Change your make up – I went through my make up bag, where I found some slightly brighter red lipstick which immediately brightens your whole face. I have also been wearing darkest green eyeliner instead of black.

2. Work those nails – nail polish has become a really big thing the past few seasons.  This spring it is all about Easter egg colours and Chanel’s gorgeous Particulaire.
I would not spend a lot on any of the Easter colours but do love the OPI – Over the Taupe which is an almost perfect match for the Chanel colour but cheaper and easier to find.

3. Wear a jaunty scarf.  It is not really warm enough to go without but you can brighten up any outfit or coat with a scarf.  I have been hunting in charity shops and markets for interesting vintage prints and colours.

4.  Change your handbag, if you are like me, I go in phases of using bags.  I will use one for months then change.  I think the reason I don’t change bags more often is the hassle of taking all your stuff out and making sure you remember to put it all back in. I am changing from my big black bag to a red bag, much springier.

What do you do when your spring fever hits?  Do you get more creative or a bit lazier? Do tell, drop me a comment.

2 thoughts on “Spring a Ding Ding”

  1. I agree. Instead of my normal eveyday black scarf, I have been wearing some of my cute vintage scarves which are a bit more colorful! The weather may be chilly..but at least we can try to make ourselves a bit more springy!

  2. I like your resolutions , good luck ! I usually get more creative when spring fever hits !! It’s a season that incourages you to get ridd of your laziness and do something useful !

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