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Glamour Girl’s Staycation


You have been doing you best to be frugal, you really, really have, the problem is it is August and you want to go away.  Some of your girlfriends are going on expensive holidays but you could not look yourself in the mirror if you went on one of those.  Your other girlies are going away with their menfolk and you don’t have one to go with, so that is a girl to do?  A Glamathon of course!

What is a Glamathon you ask?  It is when for any reason you can’t get away, but need to take some time off.  A Glamathon is the perfect staycation, you get to relax and be pampered without spending the money it would cost for long distance travel.

The first thing you need to remember when having a Glamathon is, it is all about you. You may not be in a fancy hotel in an exotic place but you can still treat yourself well.  Buy nice breakfast food, drink your coffee from a nice cup at the table instead if chugging it down while putting on your makeup.   Now make a plan; how much can you afford to spend on your Glamathon?  What part of you do you think needs the most attention?  Perhaps you need to get your haircut and coloured, or you have an aching back from hunching over the laptop or your skin is not as glowing as you hope.  Does your wardrobe need a little love?

Having a staycation is a luxury.  Having a nice amount of time, such as a week to really get into getting stuff done.  Even if you plan to have a couple of massages and a facial you are still investing in yourself.

I thought it might be a good idea to give you an example of my staycation Glamathon – I decided to do a bit of everything overhaul.  I started with catching up with old friends, so I made a couple of lunch dates with people that I don’t normally have time to see. I scheduled them towards the end of the week so I would look and feel more refreshed.

Then I proceeded to think what I needed to feel a bit better about myself so I made a very much needed hair appointment.  It is such a luxury to go to a salon early in the week when it is quiet and you can have your stylist’s full attention.  While at the hairdresser, I looked through the fall fashion mags to get idea of what is in for next season.  I used my phone to take photos of the looks that would suit me and I could put together out of my existing wardrobe.

I also booked a set of massages, there are small massage places that you can make a deal, say if you make three appointments in off hours and pay in advance, you might be able to bag yourself a discount.  We are in a fairly big economic slump so be brave and try to haggle a bit.

To top it all off, I made an appointment at a facialist that usually has a three month waiting list for a Saturday appointment.  With my weekdays free and all the rich people on holiday, getting an appointment was easy.

On the Sunday night at the end of my Glamathon, I felt really refreshed.  My back was relieved of its aches and pains, my skin glowed (no sun damage here) and I had a fabulous new hairstyle.  I had started organizing my clothes for next season and had tidied up my flat.   Who says staying home is miserable?  Not if you do it the right way.

1 thought on “Glamour Girl’s Staycation”

  1. Well..great advice. I am trying to stay home today since my week ahead is a busy one. Already threw out a ton of garbage, painted my toe nails and whilst cleaning, I found an old gift certificate for a spa I had won..guess I’ll book a massage and facial!! Perhaps I’ll even take a nap! Thanks for the staycation suggestion!

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