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Menu Monday 3rd May 2010

Today is a Bank holiday in the UK which means my schedule have been thrown off. I am still working on the more protein and less carbs in my diet and need some new ideas.

I tweeted my request for some new recipes, then the wonderfully clever, Penny Golightly sent me this quick recipe -“Mix a tin of chopped toms w garlic, paprika & dried herbs (bay, thyme etc), chuck on fish, bake. V nice.” All that info within 160 characters, got to love Twitter.

Monday – Penny Golightly’s Fast Fish

Tuesday – Beloved has a gig so I need to get something on the go, perhaps sushi – you can get it quite cheap at the chain Wasabi in London, so not killing the budget

Wednesday – Grilled goat cheese salad.

Thursday – Sewing class, late supper of Greek chickpea salad

Friday – Chili prawns with coriander and lime from my new favourite cookery book – Cook Express

Saturday – Baked eggs with tomatoes and peppers

Sunday – Garlic, lemon roast chicken

After hitting the vegetable market I am planning to make a bit batch of gazpacho on Saturday afternoon.

3 thoughts on “Menu Monday 3rd May 2010”

  1. I need to do an inventory of what is in my cupboards. Cupboard eating for me means more pasta and rice which are things I am trying to stay away from a bit because I like them too much.

  2. Thats a delicious menu that you’ve prepared. I plan on doing some shopping this week and I may try to grab some items that you have listed here.

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