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Menu Monday 30th June 2014

Tomorrow is the first of July which means summer is in full force. Time to eat all the wonderful summer fruit and vegetables. Gazapacho or melon with Parma ham for packed lunch to eat in the sunshine.

Monday – lamb and chicken kebabs left over from Saturday’s family bbq served with Greek salad and bread

Tuesday – Panko shrimp cakes with Sriracha aioli

Wednesday – chunky Gazpacho with bread and cheese

Thursday – linguine with Pancetta and sauteed cherry tomatoes

Friday – 4th of July steaks to celebrate!

For more menu ideas visit Org Junkie.

4 thoughts on “Menu Monday 30th June 2014”

  1. Summer is definitely in full force! The local farmers market says that watermelons are about 2 weeks away. I sure love summer produce.

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