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Menu Monday 21st June 2010

Last Monday,  I just returned from holiday which totally threw me off balance.  I did not do my meal plan or my regular jaunt to the market looking for seasonal bargains so I raided my freezer and ate chilli.   I must confess that I ate chilli most of the week, not very exciting but with jet lag it did the job. Now we are back to regular programming.

Monday – Chunky Gazpacho – perfect for summer as it is cheap to make and has so few calories.

Tuesday – Asparagus and Lemon Risotto – very seasonal.

Wednesday – Poached white fish and salad

Thursday – Slow cooker roast chicken and salad – perfect light supper after sewing class.

Friday – Nigella’s two minute steak and mashed white beans – what a treat.

Saturday – Lamb Koftas – I am going to attempt to make a big batch to freeze.  I will put peppers on mine.

Have a great week.

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