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Menu Monday 17th May 2010

This week is starting out a little bit better than last week, there is still a chill in the air but at least the sun is out.  I am not yet in full spring cooking swing so this menu is a bit autumnal.

Monday – Slow co0ker chili with chorizo.  I am making a bit batch so I can take it for lunch.

Tuesday – French onion soup made with my slow cooker caramelized onions.  I ended  up putting in quite a bit of balsamic vinegar it adds sweetness and colour.

Wednesday – Getting taken out for a cheap Chinese meal

Thursday – Mushroom risotto made with chicken stock made in the slow cooker.  I can not say how great it is to make stock in the slow cooker.  It comes out clear and beautiful.

Friday – Pork with apples and Calvados served with sweet potato mash and green beans.

Saturday – Moroccan coucous with spiced lamb steaks.

Sunday – Late brunch – heuvos rancheros with chorizo served with Bloody Marias – decadent!

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