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Menu Monday 10th January 2011

It seems as though 2011 is in full swing – people are making plans and getting pro-active.  Miss Lean Times over here is very busy decluttering and trying to pay off as many creditors as humanly possible so I am attempting to make super easy food this week.

Monday – Roast Chicken with rice and vegetables

Tuesday – Roast Red Pepper Soup with ciabatta bread and cheese

Wednesday – Burittos made with leftover chicken

Thursday – Ham and cheese omelette with salad

Friday – Risotto made with stock from Monday’s chicken

In my big decluttering project,  I have listed 29 sets of vintage buttons on eBay. Please have a look if you like buttons. Have a great week.

1 thought on “Menu Monday 10th January 2011”

  1. Your Red Pepper Soup and your menu look very good. I would like to invite you to my Full Plate Thursday. Thank you for sharing and you have a great week!

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