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Menu Monday 1st November 2010

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Well hello November, I have named you Get it Done month for me.  I need hit the ground running if I am going to hit my targets.  I am planning to nuke another debit and still pay for Christmas fun.  I am doing a Christmas Fair in December so I have to get cracking in making some gorgeous earrings and find some great vintage bits to sell.  Now on to the menu –

Monday – Roast chicken with roast potatoes and vegetables – my beloved has started cooking a roast dinner on a Monday, as it is one of the nights I get home quite late.  I am one lucky gal not to have to cook. The chicken also sets me up with lots of options for the rest of the week.

Tuesday -Hamburgers topped chilli cheese and salad – bumped from last Friday

Wednesday – Chorizo, white bean stew with leftover chicken.

Thursday – Not cooking as I will be out doing a focus group – more money to kill the debit

Friday – Chicken and black bean burittos

Saturday – Simply Fish – pollack with new potatoes and green beans – on sale at Tesco’s

Follow me on Twitter to watch my progress on Get it Done Month or why don’t you join in – use the hashtag #Novgid

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