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Menu Monday 16th May 2011

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Things over here at chez Lean Times have been a bit nuts this week.  There has been good stuff- my beloved has moved in and bad stuff – not getting paid by self important clod of an employer which made the grocery budget very lean indeed.

As I wrote in a post last week, Stock Piling or Hoarding, I have lots of pasta and ground beef stored, so last week when the super lean time hit, we hit the cupboard and freezer.  We ate pasta bolognese then made it into a bake by putting mozzarella on top so it was not the most exciting of weeks food wise and probably not the healthiest but hey s**t happens.  So I will be revisiting some of the meals I wanted make last week, so I apologise for being boring.

Monday – Celebration of moving dinner (surrounded by boxes) – roast chicken, mashed potatoes with White Truffle oil and green beans

Tuesday – I am at Blog club so my beloved is sorting out the boxes and having pizza

Wednesday – White bean fritters over greens – so sorry to have missed last week

Thursday – Pork steaks with chili and honey, black beans and rice.

Friday – Oven Fried Sriracha chicken with salad

No pasta or ground beef this week, yippeee!

Did you notice two recipes from the BrokeAss Gourmet?  Gabi and her recipes rock!

See more menus on Have a great week!


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