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Menu Monday 11th June 2012

I must apologize to all my lovely readers,  I have been quite remiss with my blog as there has been quite a bit happening in my personal life. I had to put down my lovely cat, Vegas last week.  He has been my buddy for 16 years and even though I knew he was not in the best physical condition, his passing has really thrown me for a loop.

It has been almost a week and I am vowing to get back on target with posting twice a week. On the great news side, my feature, How to get everything cheaper, has just been published in the July issue of Glamour UK on page 54. I am delighted about the article.

Looking for new kittens so what this space. Now on to the menu –
Monday – Spanish omelette with salad

Tuesday – Roast chicken with safron orzo and green beans

Wednesday – Penne with sausage, peas and Mascarpone – I got two big tubs of  Mascarpone for £1 in the market so I am looking for recipes. I am going to try this one but might try to make it a bit lighter.

Thursday –  Warm tofu with spicy garlic sauce with bok choy or broccoli – bumped from last week

Friday – Pan fried duck breasts with Puy lentils – I don’t think I am going to do the whole recipe, it seems like a lot of work. We will be happy with the duck, lentils and a salad.

Have a great week! For more menus visit OrgJunkie.

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